- An analysis of the actual application of AI in education: Means and limitations of instructional automation An analysis of the actual application of AI in education: Means and limitations of instructional automation
- International research in Learning Analytics: A review of publications from International research in Learning Analytics: A review of publications from Journal of Learning Analytics (2014 2014-2016 2016)
- Computer-supported collaborative learning: Genealogy and development trends in terms of research
- Scaffolding Question-facilitated online interaction: Hypothesis and verification
- Knowledge mapping for mini-lectures: A problem-solving perspective
- Balanced development of community education: A comparative study of international experience
- The story of MOOCs through loops: From disruptive to sustaining innovation models of higher education
- Online communities for teachers: Theoretical model and application
- A study of teaching transformation through higher education teachers' use of smart classrooms
- Designing a ubiquitous learning model combining face-to-face and online components of open and
distance education - Abstracts