- Quality Assurance of E-learning in the Bologna Process and its Implications
- A Study on the Institutional System of the Open University of China: Its Construction Features and Content Framework
- The Radio and Television Universities System in the New Era: Reflection and Reconstruction
- Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy
- A Study on the Assessment of Adult Online Academic Emotions
- A Survey of Online Higher Education Graduates’ Learning Needs
- Improving Mobile Reading from the Perspective of Cognitive Load
- Towards an Integrative Instructional Model for Online Courses
- Enhancing the Creativity of Teaching Teams for Distance Education Courses from the Perspective of Complex System Theories
- Designing Distance Education Curriculum for the Disabled from the Perspective of Learner Characteristics
- Designing a Repository of Quality Online Teaching Resources for Higher Vocational Education Institutions
- An Empirical Analysis of the Components of Personalized Learning Environments for University Students
- Distance Computer-adaptive Testing of Reading Proficiency in HSK
- Studio Interactive Video Technology and its Application in Distance Education
- Abstract