Recently, a cloud-class programme named “Sangyu Jinhui”, dedicated to lifelong learning for older adults and jointly launched by the Open University of China (OUC) and the Financial Management Department of the National Government Offices Administration, was listed as one of the “Lifelong Learning Brand Projects” released by the China Adult Education Association (CAEA).

The “Lifelong Learning Brand Projects” will be featured in the national opening ceremony of lifelong-learning activity week as well as on the official CAEA website, with media coverage.

In September 2020, “Sangyu Jinhui” delivered 23,000 sessions of livestreamed classes to government retirees, reaching 4.858 million learners with 4.138 million visits.

As a response to continued Covid-19 precautions, “Sangyu Jinhui” provides a centralised platform, offering teachers support and students access to and means of exchange within online classes. Students have said that they find the courses interesting and enjoyable.

Resource-sharing platform for government-affiliated universities for older adults

“Sangyu Jinhui”cloud-class applet

The OUC is committed to meeting the learning needs of older adults through programmes such as the “Sangyu Jinhui” cloud class, aiming to promote online sharing of learning resources and to make students comfortable with digital services.

So far, the platform has been launched for trial use on computer terminals and as an app or applet for mobile devices. The next step will be to continue to offer enhanced services and resources to older adults nationwide, contributing to their individual fulfillment as well as the development of a “learning society”.  

By OUC University for Older Adults