Guest Profile


Li Guangde, a professor, joined the School of Agroforestry and Medicine (Rural Revitalisation College) at the Open University of China (OUC) in 2010. In 2021, he was honoured as an Excellent Communist Party Member of the Central and State Organs, and his Party Branch at the School of Agroforestry and Medicine was recognised as a "Exemplary Party Branch" by the central and state organs. Over the years, he has led and participated in 15 research projects, published 22 papers as the first author, edited one textbook, and contributed to two others. He holds one invention patent and has received five research awards and eight in education and teaching.

Q: Could you share the most impressive story from your teaching career?

A: I joined the OUC after completing my PhD in 2010. As a full-time teacher, my primary responsibilities have been in the education and teaching of the Ministry of Education's "One College Student Per Village" programme, involving specialty development, curriculum and learning resource construction, teaching team building, and learning support services, along with participation in relevant discipline and teaching research.

For nearly 15 years, my involvement in the "One College Student Per Village" programme has not only been a journey of student growth but also my own personal and professional development. One of the key motivations driving me forward has been our admirable students. The university employs a blended learning approach, with students scattered across the nation. Rather than claiming I have influenced the students significantly, it's more accurate to say that they have influenced me. Over these 15 years, there have been many memorable moments, and I would like to share two cases - one from online and the other from offline.

The online story occurred while I was responding to student posts on the learning platform. I came across a comment from a student majoring in Forestry Technology, expressing gratitude for the OUC bringing higher education resources to their doorstep through distance education, and vowing to study hard. This simple message warmed my heart, reflecting the students' recognition and appreciation of our efforts.

The second story comes from the offline sharing and exchanges at the first special training session for local talent in rural revitalisation held by the OUC in 2023. During the training, students from across the country shared their experiences and practices in poverty alleviation, rural industrial development, and rural governance using the knowledge they gained at the National Open University. One student who left a deep impression on me is Yu Jinhai, majoring in Modern Agricultural Economic Management from the Shandong Branch. He is recognised as a national advanced individual in grain production and a leader in rural industrial revitalisation in Shandong Province. Yu Jinhai has established a family farm, led efforts to reclaim abandoned land, improve soil, and promote quality seeds and fine farming techniques and machines. In 2023, he supplied over 5 million jin of high-quality wheat, more than 6 million jin of corn, and 440,000 jin of soybeans to the nation. When discussing these achievements, Yu Jinhai's face was filled with pride.

These are our admirable students, the true vanguards of rural revitalisation. With such a group of individuals who are truly passionate about the land and the cause of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, can we find any reason not to strive? I think not.

Q: In your opinion, what is the most crucial aspect to be passed down through education?

A: Over the course of my nearly 15-year career at the OUC, I have received immense support and encouragement from our esteemed predecessors. Every step forward and every moment of growth over these years has been facilitated by the positive, united, and striving environment of our university, the wise guidance of our seniors, and the robust support from my colleagues.

I believe that the pragmatic approach, solid academic ethos, and straightforward intellectual spirit of the OUC community, along with our unity, selflessness, and dedication to the cause of open education, are all qualities that every member of the OUC should inherit and perpetuate.

Q: What are your best wishes for the university?

A: Over the past 45 years, our university has steadfastly pursued its mission, advancing towards the goal of establishing a more well-developed, equitable, and vibrant lifelong education system, achieving remarkable success along the way. As a part of this institution, I am filled with pride and honour.

On the occasion of our 45th anniversary, I extend my heartfelt wishes to the OUC (also known as Seniors University of China) as it embarks on a new journey to serve a learning society and nation where lifelong learning is embraced by all. May it continue to flourish, write new chapters, and achieve even greater glories!