Guest Profile


Gu Xiaohua is an associate professor, a member of the Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee for National Human Resources and Social Security, and a distinguished teacher in national political and ideological education. His network course on Principles of Political Science was recognised as a National High-Quality Course in 2010, and the online course on Human Resources Management in the Public Sector was recognised as a National Excellent Resource Sharing Course in 2014. In 2021, Principles of Political Science was designated as a National Demonstration Course for Political and Ideological Education, and his teaching team was honoured as the Demonstration Teaching Team. In 2013, he was awarded the title of "CPC Party Member Pioneer Position" by the Ministry of Education for its directly affiliated organisations. He was consecutively recognised as an Outstanding Party Affairs Worker by the Ministry of Education for its directly affiliated organisations in 2016 and 2017. In 2024, he was honoured as the Learning Star of the "CPC Branch Work App" by the Work Committee of the CPC Central Committee and State Organs.

Q: Could you please share a brief overview of your career?

A: I joined the Open University of China (OUC) in 2003 as a teacher in the Administrative Management major. At that time, the primary responsibilities of a teacher included major construction, course development, learning assessment design, and faculty training for professional teachers across the entire educational system. Additionally, teachers were tasked with some teaching duties, primarily in two forms: online teaching, mainly focused on Q&A tutorials through the online platform; and live teaching, which we conducted two to three times per semester. Through these two methods, we undertook the online teaching tasks. Concurrently, we also took on some offline teaching responsibilities, which involved going to the Experimental College (the then directly affiliated school) to provide offline guidance.

I have developed two courses: "Principles of Political Science" and "Human Resources Management in the Public Sector". While creating these courses, I fully considered the characteristics of our students, including their needs, expectations, difficulties, and how to help them overcome these challenges. As these courses were well-suited to the students' learning needs, they were eventually awarded the status of National High-Quality Course and National Excellent Resource Sharing Course.

Q: How should the new generation of teachers adapt to the development of future education?

A: For teachers in open education, we are distinct from those in conventional higher education institutions, as well as from those who teach students enrolled through the adult higher education entrance examination. It is indeed challenging to excel as an open education teacher, as it requires strong teaching abilities, research capabilities, and management skills. Given that we operate within a systematised educational framework, our teachers are also responsible for the organisation, management, and coordination of relevant professional courses and teachers across the entire system. Hence, becoming an outstanding open education teacher is indeed a demanding endeavour.

For teachers in open education, it is essential to align with the demands of the new era. Firstly, I encourage our educators to delve deeply into understanding our students - their needs, identities, and the underlying principles of open education. This forms the foundation for effective teaching and talent development. Secondly, enhancing the capability for blended online and offline instruction is crucial, as this is our predominant teaching model. Thirdly, I urge our teachers to leverage digital technologies comprehensively to construct robust learning resources, implement the teaching process effectively, design assessments meticulously, and strengthen the robustness of our practical teaching.

Lastly, I want to emphasise that our teachers are not only proficient in teaching but also in research. However, our research diverges from that of traditional higher education institutions; it encompasses both disciplinary research and pedagogical research. I am confident that with substantial growth in these areas, our teachers will undoubtedly excel as open education professionals.

Q: What are your best wishes for the OUC?

A: The 45th anniversary signifies a new starting point and a fresh journey, promising new achievements. Open education is a key pillar in the nation's endeavour to build a learning society and a country where lifelong learning is pursued by all. As educators across the nation unite in their efforts to strengthen our educational system, the collective dedication of the OUC's faculty will undoubtedly drive the high-quality development of open education. This will play a crucial part in shaping a society and  nation dedicated to lifelong learning, showcasing the significant contributions of the OUC.

I extend my best wishes for the ongoing success and advancement of the OUC!