Guangdong RTVU’s Computer Science Department has gained funding for a Google CS4HS (Information Technology Training for Primary and Secondary School Teachers ) training project. More than 20 Chinese universities
will be sponsored, including Beijing Normal University, Renmin University of China and Fudan University. Guangdong RTVU will be the only university in Guangdong Province to hold the training.
In cooperation with Google, Guangdong RTVU’s Computer Science Department will provide primary and secondary school computer science teachers with information technology training, the latest educational methods, and deeper integration between information technology, education and teaching. The staff at Guangdong RTVU is currently laying the groundwork for the project, which will be implemented in July 2013.
CS4HS is an initiative sponsored by Google to provide training for primary and secondary schools. Guangdong RTVU’s successful funding application is based on its continuous application modification and translation, and constant communication with Google.
By Guangdong Radio & TV University