Guangzhou Teachers e-Home ( is sponsored by the Guangzhou Bureau of Education, undertaken by Guangzhou Education Union, and co-sponsored by Guangzhou Radio and TV University (RTVU) and Guangzhou Distance Education Centre. Since its launch two years ago, more than 110,000 teachers have registered as members of the website, with more than 2,400 topics being discussed.
Guangzhou Teachers e-Home ( is a website where teachers can share teaching experience and where they can enrich their cultural life in their spare time. Through the website, the quality of the teachers’ lives are improved and their positive energy is passed down. It is built as an online community to improve the overall cohesion of teachers. The website is based on the Guangzhou teachers distance continuing education network. Managed by the Guangzhou Education Union, it is the first national non-profit website that provides comprehensive services to teachers for free, including information release, cultural exchange, dating, life services, legal advice, and rights protection. It is a new model and new channel that the Guangzhou Education Union pursued for their 170,000 member teachers in the Internet age. Currently, more than 110,000 teachers have registered as users, with more than 2,400 topics being discussed.
Chairman of the Guangzhou Education Union Shen Qi paid an investigative tour to Guangzhou RTVU to see Guangzhou Teachers e-Home (, hoping that the website can continue to expand its function, give full play to its role, and promote the future professional development of teachers in Guangzhou. Both sides exchanged their views on future direction, functions, content updates, operation and maintenance, and communication mechanism improvement of the website. They have reached a consensus on working together to continue to push forward the sound development of the website.
In July 2013, Guangzhou Teachers e-Home ( was launched at Guangzhou RTVU.
By Guangzhou RTVU