In August 2023, the ASEAN-China Digital Education Alliance was officially inaugurated during the opening ceremony of China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week.

The secretariat of the alliance was established at the Open University of China (OUC). Nearly 60 educational institutions and organisations from China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and other countries joined the alliance.

Within the framework of the ASEAN-China Digital Education Alliance, the OUC has actively encouraged communication and exchanges with ASEAN member states. A notable aspect of this collaboration involves Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia (UT). In November 2023, UT sent a delegation to visit the OUC, which resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions. This agreement aims to enhance academic exchanges, faculty visits, collaborative research, and other activities under the auspices of the ASEAN-China Digital Education Alliance. In January 2024, the OUC hosted a seminar on digital education and lifelong learning, where UT Rector Ojat Darojat provided valuable suggestions for future multilateral and bilateral cooperation.

On this basis, the OUC and UT have maintained productive dialogue. In April 2024, UT allocated 10 slots for Indonesian language studies to OUC, which were quickly filled by enthusiastic OUC students. This initiative has fostered positive interactions between OUC and UT students. Looking forward, the OUC plans to actively promote courses available on the Smart Education of China Platform and the OUC Lifelong Education Platform to UT. The goal is to extend high-quality educational resources to a global audience of lifelong learners and to advance the development of a community with a shared future for mankind.


By College of International Education, Experimental College, and Engineering Centre