On 26 September 2022, the opening ceremony of a training programme, part of the “Yuanhang (Voyage) Plan” of the lifelong learning E-education platform of the Open University of China (OUC), took place. Fan Xianrui, OUC vice president, attended, and delivered opening remarks.

Fan pointed out that the OUC lifelong learning education platform was built by the university to implement the state’s digital-education strategy, promote educational equity, and close the digital divide, aiming to enable learning to take place at any time and place. The platform has been a great success. This programme aims to further enhance the quality of the platform in terms of operations and sustainability. Fan raised three expectations of the trainees: first, to keep in mind the significance of the platform; second, to be solution-oriented; and third, to focus on enhancing their own abilities.

The programme will last three months and cover basic knowledge, case studies, practical drills, counselling services, and so on.

Written by Sun Huiying; Photos by Zhuge Huanyu, OUC