Liu Ping suffers from polio. After an operation in 2007, his weak limbs have made it extremely difficult for him to move around. Wu Wenjing is a young man from Aba Prefecture who lost sight in one eye when he was a senior in high school due to an accidental fall while reading on the roof of a seven-story building.



In August 2004, the two met while taking a community civil servant examination for the disabled. Both of them passed the exam. Wu Wenjing was appointed to serve the disabled in Jinyan Community and Liu Ping in Gonghelu Community.

One and a half years ago, they were informed of a chance to study at the Chengdu Radio and TV University (RTVU) School for the Disabled. Liu Ping said he was formerly refused by institutions of higher education because of his physical condition although his scores qualified for entry; Wu Wenjing also missed the chance to go to college due to his accident.

"We both want to fulfill our dreams of going to college," said the two young men.

Together, they applied for study at Chengdu RTVU. Liu majored in social work, while Wu decided to study digital media.

They still remember that at first Wu drove his electric scooter to school. After a few times, they both realized it was too dangerous for the disabled. Wu then decided to first take the bus to Liu's place, pick up Liu, and then take another bus to school together.

"It was still not an easy job." Wu said. Liu has to rely on his wheelchair to move around, and the bus is always crowded with people. Wu even pushed him all the way to school for a period of time.

Last year, Wu thought of the perfect way to resolve this problem: buy a vehicle specially designed for the disabled. Wu said the vehicle is partly for Liu Ping and partly for his wife, who also suffers from a disability. Every weekend, he drives Liu to and from school with this car.

(Extracted from Western China Metropolis Daily)