In order to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and meet the expectations of the public for open education, the OUC Faculty of Agroforestry and Medicine (Rural Revitalization College) organised a seminar on the "Lectures by Famous Teachers from 100 Universities" Programme on 22nd May.

The seminar aimed to build a high-quality teaching team and enhance the research abilities of the faculty. Zhang Qi, the dean of the China Rural Revitalisation and Development Research Centre at Beijing Normal University, and Li Guangde, the dean of the Faculty of Agroforestry and Medicine (Rural Revitalization College), along with all the faculty members, participated in the seminar. Zhao Tingting, the vice dean of the Faculty, presided over the seminar.

Drawing from his own teaching and scientific research experience, Professor Zhang Qi shared valuable insights during the seminar, focusing on various aspects such as project conception, topic selection, application writing, project progress, and the formation of results. He encouraged teachers, particularly young teachers, to approach scientific research with a grounded mindset, resilience, determination, perseverance, self-improvement, and a pursuit of excellence. Using the example of a national educational scientific plan project currently being applied for by the Faculty, he provided a thorough analysis and guidance on the application form. Professor Zhang emphasized the importance of highlighting the topic's necessity, urgency, and inevitability in the application form, while also emphasizing the significance of innovation and foresight. He urged teachers to attach great importance to the application forms and strive for high-quality projects.

Assistant Professor Zhao Tingting shared her thoughts and ideas on scientific research with the experts and teachers during the seminar, using her large-scale research on the open education system at the beginning of the year as an example.

The attending teachers engaged in lively discussions with Professor Zhang Qi, expressing their unanimous appreciation for the seminar's innovation, creativity, dynamism, and productivity. They acknowledged that the seminar not only sparked new ideas in scientific research but also instilled them with a strong sense of confidence in open education. This confidence further solidified their commitment to supporting the education, teaching, and research endeavors related to the training of local talents for rural revitalisation.

Li Guangde delivered a summary speech, highlighting that this seminar holds significant importance in the implementation of the thematic education campaign on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. He emphasized that the seminar not only allowed them to appreciate the expertise of the participating experts but also helped them identify areas of improvement, clarify their goals, and strengthen their confidence. Li Guangde expressed his hope that all the teachers of the Faculty would wholeheartedly align with the relevant requirements of the thematic education and the ongoing reforms in terms of teachers, teaching materials, and teaching methods. He emphasized the need to contribute to the high-quality development of open education by raising awareness, enhancing quality, fostering communication, and collectively progressing. He emphasized the importance of learning and implementing the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress, and continuously making valuable contributions to the development of the top open university.


Written by Wang Zhen, photographed by Shao Dandan, OUC