China’s National Credit Bank of Vocational Education has launched a new digital strategy pilot aimed at fully implementing the guiding principles of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China by “promoting the digitalisation of education and developing a learning society and country where lifelong learning is pursued by all.

” The pilot will also implement the requirements of the Vocational Educational Law by “promoting the construction of a national credit bank for vocational education.” It will advance the digitalisation strategy of national education, further the development of credit bank standards, construct a new information platform and service system, and build upon existing achievements in accreditation and the transfer of learning outcomes.


On 29 March 2023, the Credit Bank organised a consultation between experts on the digital strategy pilot. Twenty-eight representatives from the first batch of units applying to join the pilot programme participated in the meeting both online and in-person.

Experts from industry, enterprises and institutions held discussions with the representatives on issues such as the application of new technology, the accreditation and transfer of digital learning outcomes as well as the application of gold credits in the field of further education and employment. The experts listened to reports from the representatives, with both sides putting forward constructive suggestions.

The National Credit Bank of Vocational Education will promote the digital pilot strategy as it seeks to reform education and teaching as well as cultivate technically skilled talents. It will work to standardise and unify National Credit Bank-related cases, supporting the role of the bank in linking various types of education. Finally, it will contribute to the development of a learning society and country where lifelong learning is pursued by all.


By Sun Jingyi, Cao Xu, OUC