With the in-depth application of the Open University of China (OUC) learning network, more and more teachers and students have become engaged in teaching and learning on the network. During this semester, the number of students visiting the learning network and their level of activity have increased significantly.

As of 5 November 2019, the number of users who logged into the network in a single day reached 249,495 and the number of logins in a single day reached 494,418, a record high for the same period. The learning network’s daily page view traffic has exceeded 100TB, reaching 118TB on 5 November, and is expected to keep increasing.

In order to improve the learning network user experience, the OUC completed the first stage of web page transformation for 147 internet-based courses in the summer of 2019, unified the construction standard for web-based courses, solved problems such as too many course interfaces with different operation methods, and supported learners in studying the transformed courses on the OUC Online App.

In order to improve the access speed of the learning network and accommodate the number of concurrent and peak visits, the OUC Online learning network completed the development of a new version of the student space, which went online in September 2019. Some functions, including the inquiry of obtained credits and credits from compulsory and elective courses, scores from courses studied, the results of formative and final examinations, and scores from currently studied courses, have been added into the new version of the student space interface, so that students can access their personal information and learning progress in a timely and accurate manner.

By Wang Weiyan,OUC