From 12 – 13 June 2024, an international conference themed "Building a Learning Society Through Digital Transformation of Open Education" was held at the Open University of China (OUC).

This event was co-hosted by the OUC, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), Open University of Japan (OUJ), and Korea National Open University (KNOU). Fifteen representatives from six countries and regions, including Hong Kong of China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Germany, and India, as well as nearly one hundred experts and scholars from the open university system, attended the conference. Notable representatives from the OUC, including Wang Qiming, secretary of the Party Committee and president, and Li Song, a member of the Party Committee and vice president, were present and delivered keynote speeches. The event was chaired by Fan Xianrui, a member of the OUC Party Committee and vice president of the OUC.

Guest speakers invited to the conference included Dr. Mark Nichols, president of the International Council for Open and Distance Education; Prof. Masaya Iwanaga, president of OUJ; Dr. Song Hwan Ko, president of KNOU; Prof. Kwan Ching Ping, provost of HKMU; Prof. Asha Kanwar, chair professor at Beijing Normal University and former president and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning; and Prof. Olaf Zawacki-Richter, director of the Centre for Open Education Research (COER) at the University of Oldenburg in Germany.


By College of International Education, OUC