Zhang Lixun is a doctoral advisor for the mechatronic engineering programme within the Mechatronic Engineering College of Harbin Engineering University. He is chief editor and chief lecturer of the OUC’s electric drive and speed regulating system course.
He graduated and obtained a bachelor’s degree in machine manufacturing from Harbin Engineering University June 1984, and doctorate in mechatronic engineering from HIT in 1994 December. In April 1997, the HIT centre for post-doctoral studies of naval architecture and ocean engineering started to do research on underwater work systems and related technology. From May 2000 to March 2004, Zhang acted as a visiting professor at the German Fraunhofer IPK graduate school, where he was mainly engaged in research on COBOTs, Reha-Robots, and glass-wiping and climbing robots.
Mr. Zhang’s research is mainly oriented towards mechatronics technology, including physical design, system kinematics and dynamics, control and simulation, servo drive, computer control software and hardware, and sensor testing. The programme orientation for specialized robots, represented by COBOTs and Reha-Robots, was formed, with more than 15 doctors and postgraduates taking part. Zhang has carried out and accomplished a number of research projects, including “Underwater work systems”, “300 meter underwater work tools”, and “Deep submergence rescue of six degrees of freedom intelligent docking technology”. Of his research projects, four won the science and technology progress prize at the ministerial level and six obtained national patent. His current research projects include “underwater robot auto toolkit”, which is a key teachers project funded by the State Education Commission, “Key technology of Cobot”, which is funded by the NSFC and Harbin Returners Funds, and “Reha-Robot”, which is a cooperative project with Heilongjiang Overseas Technology. In recent years, he has published more than 50 papers, compiled three books, and directed three textbooks.
Professor Zhang has been chief lecturer and chief editor of the OUC programme course since 2005. In addition, he is engaged in the construction of the “mechanical design manufacturing and automation” programme, which was jointly constructed by the OUC and Harbin Engineering University. He has made great contributions to the construction of the OUC’s engineering programmes and the development of teaching resources.