I. Training objectives

This major is mainly committed to cultivating capable and ethical professionals with all-round development to help build “Chinese socialism for the new era”. It also aims to train practice-oriented professionals who uphold the professional values and ethics of social work and grasp its basic theories and methods; are familiar with the laws and regulations that apply to it in China; have a strong overall ability in the field; are able to work in welfare assistance, charitable activities, special assistance to marginalised groups, rehabilitation of the disabled, health, judicial correction, community services, and other areas.

Degree: Bachelor of Law

II. Requirements

Duration of studies: 2 years, with 8 allowed for part-time studies, and the shortest period of studies being at least 2.5 years.

Type of education: open

Total credit hours: 1,296 hours and 72 credits

Other requirements

Overall quality

Students are trained to love the country and its people, uphold Party and government policies, conduct themselves with integrity, abide by the law, and be dutiful and self-sacrificing. They should be team-oriented and committed to professional ethics, have good scientific and cultural literacy, and be committed to Chinese culture, with an understanding of and respect for cultural diversity. They should be sound in body and mind, be honest, friendly, positive and optimistic, and able to balance their work, studies, and other aspects of their lives. They should be oriented toward serving society, outgoing, and able to provide professional services.

Skills development

Graduates are expected to have good Chinese-language communication skills, be able to use English in daily communication, and to use computers to complete basic tasks such as research, homework, and examinations. They should have mastered the basic theories and methods of social work, abide by its ethics and values, and be able to apply their training to identifying, analysing, and proposing solutions to problems. They should have basic skills in terms of investigation, services and management in order to meet the needs of individuals, groups, communities and organisations; finally, they should be capable of self-directed learning, and of coming up with innovative ideas and approaches.


Students should have a good command of Chinese and of at least one foreign language, and be able to undertake research independently. They should have a basic understanding of psychology, ethnology, law, politics, management, philosophy, history, economics, ethics, statistics, and other areas, as well as of both domestic and international politics, economics, society, culture, environment, nationalities, and religions. They should also understand the history and current situation of social work, its various branches, and its basic concepts and methods.

III. Main courses

Specialised basic courses

Compulsory courses: Social-security Studies (undergraduate), Social Psychology (undergraduate), Social Statistics, Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Introduction to Sociology (undergraduate), and Social-survey Methods.

Elective courses: Social-work Values and Ethics

 Specialised courses

Compulsory courses: Social Policy, Social-work Administration (undergraduate), and Western Sociology

Elective courses: Social Problems, Lectures on Social-work Practices, Social Work and Adolescence, Family Social Work, Social Work for the Disabled, Social Work for the Elderly, Government Public Relations, Community Correction, Psychological Assessment, Fundamentals of Law, and others.